1. 주어와 술어동사의 일치
주어와 술어동사는 인칭과 수가 일치하여야 한다.
이 호응을 일치(concord)라고 한다.
주어의 형태가 단수라도 의미가 복수이면 복수로 취급하고,
형태는 복수라도 의미가 단수이면 단수로 취급한다.
① and로 연결된 2개 이상의 주어가 동일인 또는 동일물이면 단수로 취급
The poet and statesman is dead. ( 1사람)
The poet and the statesman are dead. (2사람)
②부정사 + and + 부정사 --+
every + 명사 + and + every + 명사 | 단수동사 사용.
each each |
no no --+
단, 동명사 + and + 동명사는 복수동사 사용.
* Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy.
* Each boy and each girl studies hard.
* Every train and every steam boat was crowded.
* No sound and no voice was heard.
③ many a + 단수명사 + 단수동사
many + 복수명사 + 복수동사.
* Many a soldier was killed at the field.
= A good (or great) many soldiers were killed at the field.
④ a number of + 복수명사 + 복수동사.
the number of + 복수명사 + 단수동사.
a total of + 복수명사 + 단수동사.
* The number of patients is increasing.
* A number of patients are dying.
* A total of 300 Koreans lives in this country.
△a total of ∼는 '총계, 합계'의 뜻으로 전체의 한 단위를 나타내
므로 단수동사를 쓴다.
⑤ 분수 ---+
most (대부분) |
a lot, lots | of + 복수보통명사 → 복수동사
half |
the rest (나머지) | of + 단수보통명사
part | 물질,추상명사 → 단수동사
a large part |
all ---+
* Two-thirds of my books are novels.
* Most of his books are English novels.
* Half of the passengers were injured in the accident.
* A large part of the land is barren.
⑥ either A or B : A이거나 B가 ∼이다. (양자택일)
neither A nor B : A도 B도 ∼이 아니다. (양자부정)
not only A but also B = B as well as A
= A뿐만 아니라 B 역시 ∼이다. ( B의 수와 인칭에 맞는 동사를 쓸 것)
* Either you or Tom has made the mistake.
* Neither you nor he is wrong.
* Not only you but also he is interested in music.
= He as well as you is interested in music.
⑦ 학과명 mathematics, politics, physics, ethics, gymnastics, phonetics
병명은 복수형이지만 모두 단수 취급하여 단수동사를 사용한다.
* Mathematics is a difficult subject.
⑧ 시간, 거리, 가격, 중량 등 복수형의 주어는 하나의 단일 개념으로 생각하면
단수로 취급되고 , 수의개념으로 표시하면 복수로 취급된다.
* There were ten people in line already when we arrived.
* Ten years is too short time to learn a language.
⑨ 두 개 이상의 단수주어가 and로 연결되면 복수로 취급한다.
* He and I are great friends.
⑩ 주어가 with, together with, no less then, like but 등으로 연결된 경우에는
동사는 최초의 명사와 일치한다.
* The rebel chief, with all his attendants was captured.
⑪ 주어가 군집명사이면 동사는 복수이고, 집합명사이면 동사가 단수이다.
* The audience were deply moved.
* The audience was not large.
⑫ more than one 다음은 단수동사가 온다.
* There is more than one reason that makes me happy.
⑬ The + 형용사는 그 내용이 가산명사이면 복수이고, 불가산명사이면 단수이다.
* The young are full of hope.
* The beautiful is higher than the good.
⑭ All과 none은 물건을 나타낼때는 단수, 사람을 나타낼때는 복수로 취급
* All is still.
* All are well.
⑮ 복수형의 서적명은 단수로 취급한다.
* Johnson's "The Lives of The Poets" is a work of great interest.
2. 평서문의 화법전환
1) 화법이란 사람의 말을 전하는 방식을 말하는 것으로 어떤 사람이 한 말
을 그대로 " " 안에 인용 부호로 전하는 것을 직접화법이라 하고
말의 의미.내용만을 자기의 말로 고쳐서 전하는 것을 간접화법이라 함
* 전달동사가 현재, 미래 및 현재완료일때는 피전달동사의 시제는
변하지 않는다.
* 전달동사가 과거일때는 피전달동사는 한단계 더 과거로 된다.
* 피전달문의 인칭변화
- 피전달문의 1인칭(I, my, me)은 전달동사의 주어와 일치
- 피전달문의 2인칭(you, your)은 I로 되는 것이나 전달목적어
[수화자 (say to + 사람)]가 있으면 그와 일치한다.
* 전달동사: say → say, say to → tell.
- 전달동사가 say to me( us, you등 ) 처럼 상대방을 분명히
지시하고 있을때에는 tell me ( us, you등)로 바꾼다.
- 상대방을 지시하지 않는 경우는 say로 쓴다.
* 인용부호안의 피전달문은 that- 절로 바꿀 것.
* 예문
A. 일반적 전환
- He says, "I am happy."
= He says that he is happy.
- He has said to me, "I am happy."
= He has told me that he is happy.
- She will say to me, "I know it."
= She will tell me that she knows it.
B. 현재형 ⇒ 과거형
- He said, "I am a student."
= He said that he was a student.
C. 현재완료.과거 ⇒ 과거완료
- She said, "I have lost my camera."
= She said that she had lost her camera.
D. can ⇒ could, may ⇒ might
will, shall은 단순미래인 경우에는 인칭변화에 따르고
의지미래인 경우에는 인칭대명사만 바뀌고(시제만 일치시킴)
will ⇒ would, shall ⇒ should로 그냥 남는다.
- He said, "I will do my best."
= He said that he would do his best.
- He said to me, "You shall have my watch."
= He told me that I should have his watch.
E. 전달동사가 과거라 할지라도 피전달문 중의 동사가 불변의
진리, 습관적 행위.역사적 사실을 나타낼 경우 및 가정법
과거.가정법과거완료가 쓰일 경우에는 시제가 바뀌지 않는다.
- He said, "I get up at five every morning." (습관)
= He said that he gets up at five every morning.
- He said, "Honesty is the best policy."(보편적 진리)
= He said that honesty is the best policy.
- He said, "If I were a bird, I could fly." (가정법)
= He said that if he were a bird, he could fly.
- The teacher said, "Columbus discovered America in 1492."
(역사적 사실)
=The teacher said that Columbus discovered America in 1492.
2) 부사, 지시대명사의 변화
말을 전하는 사람의 시간 및 장소가 본래 말한 사람의 시간 및 장소와
다른 경우에는 부사,지시대명사는 대개 다음과 같이 바뀐다.
here → there, come → go, now → then, ago → before
this → that, today → that day, tonight → that night
these → those, tomorrow → the next(follwing) day,
yesterday → the day before (the previous day)
last night → the night before (the previous night)
next week(or month,year)
→ the next (the following) week (or month, year )
※ 단, 앞에서 예를 든 부사의 변화는 어디까지나 일반적인 경우에
한하는 것이며, 언제나 반드시 이렇게 바뀌는 것은 아니기 때문에
문장에 따라서 적당히 처리해야 한다.
- He said, "It will rain tomorrow."
① 위의 said가 어제 한 말이라면
- He said that it would rain today.
② said 가 오늘 한 말이라면
- He said that it would rain tomorrow.
③ said가 그 이외의 시기였다면
- He said that it would rain the next day.
- He said, "I will come here tomorrow."
① 전달장소와 전달시간이 다른 경우
- He said he would go there the next day.
② 전달장소와 전달시간이 같은 경우
- He said he would come here tomorrow.
3 의문문의 화법전환( 직접의문문을 간접의문문으로 바꾸는 경우)
ⓐ 전달동사
ⓑ 간접의문문의 어순을 [ 주어 + 술어 ]의 평서문으로 한다.
ⓒ 의문사 when, where, why, who, what 등이 있는 의문문은 의문사를
그대로 접속사로 쓰며, that를 쓰지 않는다.
- 의문사 + 주어 + 동사의 어순 (간접의문문으로 명사절)
* He said to me "Who is he?"
= He asked me who he was.
= He asked me who was he.
<.직접의문문이 who,which로 시작되고 술부동사가 be 동사인 경우,
어느쪽이 주어인지 구별하기 어려울 때는 어순을 바꾸지 않아도
좋다. 특히 be동사 다음의 단어가 수식어를 가지고 있는 경우에
는 그대로가 좋다.>
ⓓ 의문사가 없는 의문문은 if 또는 whether(or not)로 이어준다.
- if(whether) + 주어 + 동사 → 명사절.
* He said to me "Do you know my sister?"
= He asked me if I knew his sister.
= He asked me whether I knew his sister. (or not)
간접화법에서 의문사 + 주어 + 동사의 어순이 원칙이지만
주어부분이 긴 경우는 의문사 + 동사 + 주어의 어순이 된다.
직접의문문이 who,which로 시작되고 술부동사가 be 동사인 경우,
어느쪽이 주어인지 구별하기 어려울 때는 어순을 바꾸지 않아도
좋다. 특히 be동사 다음의 단어가 수식어를 가지고 있는 경우에
는 그대로가 좋다.
* He said tome "Which is the shortest way to the station?"
= He asked me which was the shortest way to the station.
◇부탁, 권유를 나타내는 의문문은 형태는 비록 의문문이나 부탁, 권유를
나타내는 명령문의 내용이므로 ask(beg) + 목적어 + to do의 형태.
* He said to me "Could you give me a lift?"
= He asked (begged) me to give him a lift.
ⓔ 인칭대명사.부사의 변경 및 시제의 일치는 평서문의 화법 전환의
경우와 같다.
* He said to her, "Why didn't you attend the party?"
= He asked her why she had not attended the party.
* He said to me, " Where do you come from?"
= He inquire of me where I came from.
4. 명령문의 화법전환
◇ 전달동사 say to ⇒ 피전달문의 의미에 따라서 tell, order, command,
advice, ask, bag, request로 바꾼다.
◇ 피전달문 중의 동사를 to 부정사로 바꾸어 [동사+목적어+to부정사]의
구문으로 한다.
ⓐ일반적 명령문; tell + 목적어 + to do.
* He said to me, "Open the window."
= He told me to open the window.
ⓑ상관이 부하에게; order(command) + 목적어 + to do.
* The captin said to his men, "Shoot the spy."
= The captin ordered his men to shoot the spy.
= The captin commanded his men to shoot the spy.
ⓒ의사가 환자에게 충고; advice + 목적어 + to do.
* The doctor said to his patient, "Stop drinking."
= The doctor advised his patient to stop drinking.
ⓓ부탁, 의뢰의 명령문,의문문; ask(beg) + 목적어 + to do.
* She said to me, "please open the windows."
= She bagged me to open the windows.
= She asked me to open the windows.
ⓔ제안,제의; propose, suggest + that + 주어 + should to do.
* He said to me, "Let's go to the park."
= He suggested (or proposed) (to me) that we should go to the park.
= He proposed to go to the park.
* He said to me "Let's go."
= He suggested to me that we should go. [ We = he와 me ]
* He said to her "Let's go."
= He suggested to her that they should go. [ They = he와 her ]
5. 감탄문의 화법전환
ⓐ 전달동사 say → exclaim, shout, cry(out), remark로...
ⓑ기쁜내용, Hurrah, Bravo 등의 감탄사 → with delight, with joy,
with pleasure등의 부사구를 전달동사 다음에 첨가.
ⓒ슬픈내용, Alas 등의 감탄사 - with regret, with a sigh, in sorrow 등의
부사구 사용. (감탄문을 그대로 사용하거나 very를 사용, 평서문으로
고쳐서 간접화법으로 고친 것.)
※ 감탄문의 간접화법에는 일정한 형태가 없으므로 감탄의 의미를 나타내는
어구를 넣어 바꾼다.
* He said "How pretty the flower is!"
= He exclaimed (cried out) how pretty the flower was.
= He exclamed that the flower was very pretty.
= He said that the flower was very pretty.
* They said, "Bravo! we have won the game."
= They cried out with joy(or delight, pleasure, applause) that
they had won the game.
* She said, "Alas! I lost my bag."
= She exclaimed with sorrow (or regret, sadness, grief, a sigh)
that she had lost her bag.
6. 기원문의 전달
기원문에서는 say를 pray 또는 express one's wish that 으로 바꾸고
종속절에 may를 쓴다.
ⓐ피전달문에 God이 있을 때 → pray that God may∼
ⓑ사람에 대한 소망 → express one's wish that + 주 + may∼
* She said "God bless my son!"
= She prayed that God might bless her son.
= She expressed her wish that God might bless her son.
* They said "May our king live long!"
= They expressed their wish that their king might live long.
7. 중문과 복문의 전달
ⓐ 피전달문이 and, but 으로 연결된 중문일 때 and와 but다음에 접속사
that을 붙여서 문맥을 분명히 한다.
* He said, " I love her, but she doesn't love me at all."
⇒ He said that he loved her, but she did not love him at all.(X)
⇒ He said that he loved her, but that she did not love him at all.(O)
* He said, "I am busy now, but I shall be free tomorrow."
= He said (that) he was busy then, but that he would be free
the next day.
* She said to me, "Hurry up, or you will be late."
= She told me to hurry up or I should be late.
= She told me unless I hurried up I should be late.
= She told me to hurry up so as not to be late.
* He said "The sun has set, and the stars are out."
= He said (that) the sun had set, and that the stars were out.
ⓑ 이 밖에 전달동사를 알맞게 바꿔서 쓰며. 두문장 이상의 전달인 경우
에는 문장의 종류별로 취급하며, and로 연결 시킨다.
- 명령문 + 의문문 → tell + 목 + to do, and ask ∼(평서문)∼
* He said to me "Listen! Can you hear someone talking?"
= He told me to listen, and asked if I could hear someone talking.
* She said to him, "Don't do that, Are you crazy?"
= She told him not to do that, and asked (him) if he was crazy.
- 평서문 + 의문문 → that ∼, and ask ∼(평서문)∼
* He said, "It is hot in this room,
why don't you open the window?"
= He said that it was hot in that room, and asked why I didn't
open the window.
* I said to her, "you look pale, Have you seen the doctor?"
= I told her that she looked pale, and asked her if she had seen
the doctor.
ⓒ 피전달문이 for, because, as, since, so 등의 접속사로 연결되었을 때
에는 접속사 다음에 따로 that을 쓸 필요가 없음.
* He said, "Let's go on a picnic if it is fine tomorrow."
= He suggested that we should go on a picnic if it was fine
the next day.
8. 묘출화법
◇등장인물의 생각이나 심리를 생생하게 표현)과 생략문의 간접화법.
ⓐ문장의 어순, 구둣점 - 직접화법에 준함.
ⓑ인칭과 시제 - 간접화법과 같음.
* He said to me "Will you go to the movies?" 직접화법
= He asked me if I would go to the movies. 간접화법
= He asked me would I go to the movies. 묘출화법
* He said "Yes"
= He agreed.
= He answered in the affirmative. (긍정적으로)
* He said "No"
= He answered in the negative. (부정적으로)
* He said "Good morning"
= He wished me a good morning.
'영문법정리' 카테고리의 다른 글
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