분사란 동사의 어미에 -ing 또는-ed, -en을 붙여서 형용사 역할을 하는 것
을 말하며 현재분사와 과거분사로 나뉜다.
1. 분사의 비교
* 자동사의 현재분사 → -ing ;진행, ∼하고 있는.
자동사의 과거분사 → -ed,-en ;완료나 상태, ∼한, ∼해버린.
* playing children = children who are playing.
fallen leaves = leaves which are fallen. (낙엽)
* 타동사의 현재분사: 능동 또는 사역, ∼시키는, ∼하게하는.
타동사의 과거분사: 수동의 뜻, ∼된, ∼당한, ∼받은.
◇ an exciting game
= a game which excites the one. (열광적인 경기)
an excited spectator
= a spectator who is excited. (열광된 관중)
2. 분사의 한정용법:
분사는 형용사로서의 역할을 하며 명사의 앞이나 뒤에서 직접 수식한다.
이러한 용법을 한정적 용법이라한다.
이러한 용법으로 쓰이는 분사는 단독인 경우에는 명사앞에 놓이며
여기에 다른 부사.부사구.목적어.보어 따위가 붙어서 두단어 이상이 될
때에는 수식하려는 명사뒤에 놓이게 된다.
①전위수식 (앞에서 수식)
* a sleeping baby
* a wounded soldier
* a baby sleeping in the cradle
* a soldier wounded in the back
3. 서술용법
①주격보어로 쓰일 때
주어의 동작이라든가 상태를 설명하며 현재분사는 능동적인 의미를
과거분사는 수동적인 의미를 나타낸다.
* He sat reading the magazine. (현재분사: 능동의 관계)
* He remained satisfied with his salary. (과거분사: 수동의 관계)
②목적격보어로 쓰일 때
목적어의 동작이라든가 상태를 설명하며 현재분사는 능동적인 의미를
과거분사는 목적어에 대한 수동적인 의미를 나타낸다.
* I don't like to see you disappointed.
* I saw him crosing the street. (O.C)
(◇분사가 대명사를 수식할 경우 단독일지라도 뒤에 놓인다.)
4. 분사의 기타용법
①의사분사: 명사의 어미에 -ed를 붙여서 과거분사의 형태로 '∼을 가지
고 있는'의 뜻인 형용사로 쓰임.
* a long-tailed monkey = a monkey having a long tail.
a three-legged stool = a stool having three legs.
a blue-eyed girl = a girl who has blue eyes.
② 2형식동사 + 형용사(보어) → 형용사 + 현재분사.
* The rose smells sweet → the sweet-smelling rose. (향기나는 장미)
* The wine tastes nice → the nice-tasting wine. (맛이좋은 술)
주어 + be + p.p + by + 명사 → 명사 + p.p. + 주어.
* The fruit is dried by the sun. → the sun-dried fruit.(햇빛에 말린 과일)
* Citizens are struck by terror. → terror-stricken citizens. (공포에 질린 시민)
주어 + be + 부사 + p.p. → 부사 + p.p. + 주어.
* Engligh is widely spoken. → widely-spoken English. (널리쓰이는 영어)
* The worker is well trained. → the well-trained worker. (잘훈련된 일꾼)
주어 + 타동사 + 목적어 → 목적어 + 현재분사 + 주어.
* The drug kills pain. → the pain-killing drug. (진통제)
* The animals eat plants. → the plant-eating animals. (초식동물)
③부사로 사용되는 분사 ⇒ 매우(very)의 뜻.
* It's biting (piercing, freezing) cold. (매우춥다)
* He got soaking wet. (그는 흠뻑 젖었다.)
④ the + 분사.
* They dying and the dead were carried on stretchers.
(죽어가는 사람들과 죽은 사람들이 들 것에 실려갔다.)
5. 분사의 시제
분사구문의 의미상 주어는 독립분사구문을 제외하고는 그문장의 주어와 일치한다.
시제는 단순분사 일 때 정동사와 일치하고, 완료분사일때는 정동사보다 한단계 과거.
/ | 단순형분사(수동형) | 완료형분사(완료형 수동분사) |
go | going (無) | having gone (無; 자동사이므로) |
make | making (being made) | having made (having been made) |
write | writing (being written) | having written (having been written) |
주절 동사의 시제와 같음 | 주절동사의 시제보다 하나 더 과거시제 |
* Living in the country I am very health.
= As I live in the country. I am very healthy.
* Living in the country, I was very healthy.
= As I lived in the country, I was very healthy.
* Having finished my work, I have nothing to do.
= As I have finished (finished) my work, I have nothing to do.
* Having written my letter, I posted it.
= After I had written my letter, I posted it.
* While bathing in the river, he was drowned.
→ 분사구문의 뜻이 이유, 조건 등 어느 것인지 혼동을 방지하기 위해
해당 접속사를 분사구문 앞에 부가할 경우가 있다. 즉, Bathing in
the river를 As he bathed in the river로의 오역을 막기위해 While
을 두었다.
6. 분사구문의 종류
①시간 (∼할 때): when, while, as, after 등을 써서 복문으로
* Walking along the street, he met an old friend of mine.
= While he walked along the street, he met an old friend of mine.
* Left alone, I began to read.
= When I was left alone, I began to read.
②이유, 원인 (∼이므로) : as, because, since 등을 써서 복문으로
* Not knowing what to do, I asked for his advice. (부정어는 분사 앞에)
= As I didn't know what to do, I asked for his advice.
* Tired, I went to bed early.
= As I was tired, I went to bed early.
③조건 (∼한다면) : if 를 사용해서 복문으로
* Turning to the right, you will find the house.
= If you turn to the right, you will find the house.
* Some books, read carelessly, will do more harm than good.
= Some books, if they are read carelessly, will do more ∼
④양보 (비록 ∼한다할지라도):although, though, even if를 써서 복문으로
* Admitting what you say, I still don't believe it.
= Though I admit what you say, I still don't believe it.
⑤부대상황 (동시동작: while, as; ∼하면서)
* Jane entered the room, and smiling to us.
= Jane entered the room, smiling to us.
= Entering the room, Jane smiled to us.
⑥부대상황 (연속동작: ∼, and + 동사; 그리고 ∼하다)
* We started in the morning, and arrived in Seoul at noon.
= We started in the morning arriving in Seoul at noon.
7. Have (get) + 목적어 + 과거분사
have와 get은 수동형이 없다.
She had (or got) the bag carried by him
= She had him carry the bag.
= She got him to carry the bag.
8. 독립분사구문:
분사구문의 의미상의 주어와 주문의 주어가 다른경우에는 분사구문의
의미상의 주어를 앞에 놓는다. 이러한 구문을 독립분사구문이라 한다.
* The sun having set, we gave up looking for them.
= After the sun had set, we gave up looking for them.
* It being fine, we went for a walk.
= As it was fine, we went for a walk.
* We shall start tomorrow, weather permitting.
= We shall start tomorrow, if (the) weather permits.
* He was reading a book, his wife knitting beside him.
= He was reading a book, and his wife knitting beside him.
(그는 책을 읽고 있었고, 그의 부인은 남편 옆에서 뜨게질을 하고 있었다.)
9. Being, Having been의 생략.
: 형용사, 명사, 과거분사 앞에 쓰인 being 또는 having been은 생략가능.
분사구문의 시제가 본동사 시제와 같을 때 being이 본동사 시제보다
하나 더 과거시제일 땐 having been 생략.
* (Being) Angry at my words, he made no reply.
= As he was angry at my words, he made no reply.
* Dinner (being) over, he went out for a walk.
= When dinner was over, he went out for a walk.
* (Having been) Born in better times, he would have been a great scholar.
= If he had been born in better times, he would have been a great scholar.
10. 수동형 분사구문
* As she is loved by him, she is happy.
= (Being) Loved by him she is happy.
11. 분사의 강조용법
* Living in a remote village, I rarely have visitors. (분사구문)
= As I live in a remote village, I rarely have visitors.(평서문)
= Living as I do in a remote village, I rarely have visitors.(강조구문)
◇분사에 사용된 동사가 live, stand, write와 같이 일반동사일 땐 do
를 사용, be 동사일 땐 be를 사용한다.
◇ being + 과거분사구문 강조 → as + 주어 + be 동사.
◇ ∼ing as it does 형.
* Standing as it does on the hill, the villa commands a fine view.
(저렇게 언덕 위에 서 있으므로, 그 별장은 전망이 좋다.)
(as; 양태접속사, it; the villa, does; stands의 대동사)
* I feel it as a rare occasion, occurring as it does only once in many years.
(몇 년 만에 한 번밖에 일어나지 않는 드문 일이라고 나는 생각한다.)
(occurring의 의미상의 주어는 occasion이다.)
12. 비인칭 독립분사구문: 분사구문의 의미상의 주어가 we, you, they,
people, one 등과 같이 막연한 일반인을 나타낼 때는 이들 주어와
주문의 주어가 다른 경우라도 특히 주어를 명시할 필요는 없다.
* Generally speaking, our country lacks natural resouces.
= If we speak generally, our country lacks natural resources.
* Strictly speaking, he is not an artist.
= If we speak strictly, he is not an artist.
* Frankly speaking
Roughly speaking
Granting that
Judging from-
Talking of-
Strictly speaking
Taking all thing into consideration.
Generally speaking
13. with + 목적어 + 분사 (부대상황) ⇒ 생생한 묘사적 효과.
① with + 목적어 + 현재분사. (목적어의 능동적 행동)
* He sat silently, and the cat was dozing at his feet.
= He sat silently, the cat dozing at his feet.
= He sat silently, with the cat dozing at his feet.
* It was a mistry morning, with little wind blowing.
= It was a mistry morning and little wind was blowing.
(바람이 거의 불지 않는 안개 낀 아침 이었다.)
→ 여기에서 with를 뺀다면 little wind blowing은 독립분사구문이다.
② with + 목적어 + 과거분사. (목적어의 수동적 행동)
* He stood there, and he closed his eyes.
= He stood there, closing his eyes.
= He stood there, and his eyes were closed by him.
= He stood there, his eyes (being) closed (by him).
= He stood there, wiht his eyes closed. (with 분사구문)
* With an eye bandaged, I could not write properly.
(한 눈을 붕대 감고 있었으므로 나는 글을 잘 쓸 수 없었다.)
③ with + 목적어 + 부사(구)
* I shall be lonely with you away. (당신이 멀리 떠나버린다면)
* with his feet on the pillow. (두 다리를 베게 위에 올려 놓은 채)
with his head against a cushion. (머리를 방석 위에 기댄 채)
④ with + 목적어 + 형용사.
* Don't speak with your mouth full. (입에 음식을 가득 넣은 채)
14. 문두에 나오는 주격보어
(Being을 보충하면 이유를 나타내는 분사구문이 된다.)
* Impatient of the heat, he left town for the country.
= Being impatient of ∼
(더위를 참을 수 없어서, 그는 도시를 떠나 시골로 내려갔다.)
* A man of social instincts, he had many acquaintances.
= Being a man of ∼
(사교성이 풍부한 사람이었으므로, 그는 아는 사람이 많았다.)
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