

태백산에서 2006. 3. 17. 10:25

부정사는 동명사.분사와 함께 준동사라 하며 보통[ to + 동사원형] 형태로
   * I went to the station to see her off
1. 명사적 용법 :
   to+R이 문장 안에서 주어, 목적어, 명사보어, 동격으로 쓰임.
   주어가 길때에는  대개 가주어 it 를 쓴다.
  ①주어로 쓰이는 경우 :
       To learn English is very easy.
        = It is very easy to learn English.
  ②목적어로 쓰이는 경우 :
        I want to read this book.
   ◇의문사 + to 부정사가 명사구의 역할.- 동사의 목적어.
      * I don't know  what to do.
                      where to go.
                      when to do it.
                      whom to go with...............
  ③명사보어로 쓰이는 경우 :
    * To see is to believe.
  ④가주어와 진주어 관계
    * It is wrong to tell a lie.
  ⑤가목적어와 진목적어 관계
    * I think it wrong for you to tell a lie.
2. 형용사적 용법 : To + R 이 문장 안에서 명사를 수식(한정적 용법)하거
   나 보어역활(서술적 용법,be to 용법)을 함.
      He is a tall man.
      He is tall.
   ①한정적 용법 : 명사를 수식.한정한다.[ -해야 할, -할 ]
     * I have no friend to help me.
       ◇전치사 + 관계 대명사 + to 부정사가 명사를 수식.
         * I have no house in which to live.
           = I have no house to live in.
     * I have got letters to write.( 써야 할 편지 )
     * I want something to write on. ( 쓸 것-종이 등-)
     * I want something to write with. ( 쓸 도구-펜 등-)
     * to live in a house ( 집에서 살다)
       a house to live in ( 살을 집)
     * to sit on a chair  ( 의자에 앉다.)
       a chair to sit on  ( 앉을 의자)
  ②서술적 용법 : be + to 부정사가 같은 형태로 쓰이나 문장 안에서 주격
    보어(형용사 보어)로 쓰이며 각기 뜻을 달리하여 사용 되며 예정, 의무
    가능, 의도, 운명 등을 나타냄.
    * 예정 : We are to meet at the post office.
    * 의무 : You are to finish it by six.
    * 가능 : No one was to be seen on the street.
          (주로 수동태, 부정문, 의문문에서 사용 됨)
    * 의도 : If you are to succeed, you must work hard.(소망)
          (If절 안에서의 to be는 주로 intend to의 뜻으로 쓰임)
    * 운명 : He was never to see his home again.

3. 부사적 용법 : 
    to + 동사 원형이 문장 안에서 부사적 기능을 하며 목적,
    결과, 원인, 조건, 양보, 이유.판단의 근거, 정도 등을 나타냄.
  ①목적 ( -하기 위해) : We eat to live, not live to eat. 
    * To부정사가 목적용도일 때 문장전환
      We eat to live               
    = We eat in order to live.  
    = We eat so as to live.   
    = We eat so that   we may live.
    = We eat  that     we  can live.
    = We eat in order that  we will live.
    * We eat not to die.   
      = We eat in order not to die. 
      = We eat so as not to die. 
        (부정사의 부정은 부정어를 to 앞에 둔다)      
      = We eat lest we should die.
        (lest ∼ should 구문, lest 다음은 절의 형태를 취함)
      = We eat for fear that we should die.
        ( for fear (that)의 형태는 절을 취함)
      = We eat so that we may not die.
    * He works hard  that             He  may pass the exemination.
                     so that                can
                     in order that          will
      = he works hard to          pass the exemination.
                      so as to
                      in order to
      = He works hard for the purpose of    passing the exem.
                      with the view of
                      with a view to
                      with the intention of
                      with the object of
                  (전치사구∼하기 위하여)
    ◇전치사 다음은 항시 명사나 동명사가 온다. (전치사 다음은 전치사의
      목적어가 와야하며 목적어는 명사나 동명사만이 가능하기 때문이다.)
   ◇ 복문을 단문으로 고치는 방법 :
      ⓐ접속사 that의 생략.
      ⓑ주절의 주어와 종속절의 주어가 같으면 생략.
      ⓒ조동사 생략.
      ⓓto를 사용하여 부정사 구문으로 고침
  ②결과: (- 해서 -했다)
    주로 "무의지 동사(awake, live, grow up, die) + to부정사" 의 형태로   
    결과를 나타냄
    * one morning he awoke to find himself famous.
      =One morning he awoke and found himself famous.
    only + to부정사, never+ to부정사는 반대의 결과를 나타낸다.
    * He tried to rise, but it was useless.
      = He tried to rise only to fail.
      = He tried in vain(vainly) to rise.
    * He went to Brazil never to return.
      = He went to Brazil but he never returned.
    ◇ so that ∼, 과 so ∼ that.
      ⓐ so that∼: 목적, 결과(therefor,and so), 조건(if only, so long as)
          * He got up early so that he might be in time for the train.
            = He got up early so as to be in time for the train.
          * A great storm arose, so that the ship were wreched.
          * Any book will do, so that it is interesting.
      ⓑ so ∼ that (so that  이하가 결과 부사절)
          * He got up so early that he was in time for the train.
            = He got up so early as to be in time for the train.
  ③원인 : 감정을 나타내는 동사나 형용사 다음의 부정사는 원인을 나타냄.
    감정 동사  : smile, weep, agrieve.
    감정 형용사: glad, happy, sorry, delighted, pleased, surprised.
    * I am very glad (or pleased) to hear of your success.
  ④조건 : to부정사가 if절 역할을 하는 경우
    * I should be glad to go with you.
      = I should be very glad if I could go with you.
  ⑤양보 [ -한다 할지라도]
    * To do his best, he could not succeed in it.
      = Though he did his best, he could not succeed in it.
  ⑥이유, 판단의 근거 [ -하다니, -하는 것을 보면]
    * must be
      cannot be   +  to 부정사
    * He must be honest to say so.
    * He must be foolish to believe such a thing.
    ◇타동사나 전치사의 목적어는 본주어로 고칠 수 있다.
    * It is not good to drink this water.
      = This water is not good to drink (vt.의 목적어)
    * It seems to be comfortable to sleep in this bed.
      = This bed seems to be comfortable to sleep in (pre.의 목적어)
  ⑧독립 부정사 : 문장 전체를 수식하므로 부사적 용법에 해당
    * To tell the truth, he is poor at English.
       = If we(I) tell the truth,he is poor at English.
      - To do him(one's) justice( 
      - so to speak,
      - to begin with, 
      - strange to say,
      - To make a long story short,
      - To be sure, 
      - not to speak of = to say nothing of = not to mention
      - To make matters worse
      - to be frank with you
      - to say least of
      - to conclude
      - to be brief
      - needless to say

4. 원형 부정사 : 
    지각 동사나 사역 동사 다음엔 to가 생략되고 동사 원형만이 오는데 
    이를 원형 부정사라 한다.
  ① 지각 동사 또는 사역 동사 + 목적어 + 원형 부정사.
     * 지각 동사 : see, behold, hear, feel, watch, obserb, notice,
                   look at, listen to..........
     * 사역 동사 : make, let, have, bid, help(to도 가능)
       * I saw him enter the room.
       * I made him write a letter of apology.
         = He was made to write a letter of apology by him.
         (능동태에서의 원형부정사가 수동태로 고쳐지면 다시 to가 되살아난다)
       * He let Betty use his dictionary.
         = Betty was allowed to use his dictionary by him.
  ② get, allow, order, cause, compel, force, oblige + 목적어 + to부정사
     ◇ 열거한 동사는 사역의 의미는 갖고 있지만 사역 동사는 아니다)
       * The rain made the river rise. (소나기는 강이 불어나게 한다.)
        = The rain caused the river to rise.
  ③관용어귀 다음의 원형 부정사.
     * had better(best) + 동사 원형 (부정: had better not)
         You had better go before it rains.
         = It would be better for you to go before it rains.
     * cannot but + 동사원형 (cannot help ∼ ing)
         He cannot choose but say so.
         = There is no choice for him but to say so.
     * do nothing but + 동사원형.
         She did nothing but cry all day.
         = There was nothing for her but to cry all day.
     * would rather
       would sooner    A   than   B  (A,B가 동사원형)
       had   rather
5. 부정사의 시제
   ① 형태
     동사 seem,appear,happen,chance,follow등은 it다음에 이어져 that절을   이끌수 있다.
      ◇단순 부정사 : to + 동사원형   (주절의 시제와 같거나 그 이후의 시제를 나타낼 때)
      * It seems    that + s + v --> s + seems   + to 부정사.
          appears                        appears
         * It seems that he is ill
         = He seems to be ill.
         * It seemed that he was ill
         = He seemed to be ill.
      ◇완료 부정사 : to + have + p.p (주절의 시제보다 그 이전의 시제를 나타낼떄)
      * It happens  that + s+ v -->  s + happens  + to 부정사.
          chances                       chances
      *  It seems that he was(or  has been) ill.
         = He seems to have been ill.
      *  It seemed that he had been sick.
         = He seemd to have been sick.
  ② wish, hope, desire, expect,want, be, mean to, intend to, be likely
     와 같이 소망,의도를 나타내는 동사 다음에 오는 부정사가
     ㉠ 단순부정사(to+원형) 이면, 술부동사 이후(미래)의 시제를 나타낸다.
      * I expect to succeed.
        = I expect that I shall succeed.
     ㉡ 완료부정사(to+have+과거분사)이면, 실현되지 못한 과거의 소망
      * He hoped to have succeeded.
        = He had hoped to succeed.
        = He had hoped that he would succeed.
        = He hoped to succeed but he did not.(or could not)
6. 과거에 이루지 못한 소망
   ◇형식 : s + had + 미래 동사의 p.p + that ∼
                had + 미래 동사의 p.p + 단순 부정사
                미래 동사의 과거형 + 완료 부정사.
    * I hoped to see her yesterday.
      = I hoped that I should see her yesterday.
       (그녀를 만나기를 희망 했음.만났는지 만나지 못했는지는 표현되지 않음)
    * I had hoped that I would see her yesterday.
      = I had hoped to see her yesterday.
      = I hoped to have seen her yesterday.
      = I had to see her yeaterday, but I couldn't.
        (그녀를 만나기를 희망 했으나 만나지를 못함)

7. 부정사의 의미상의 주어
   (1) 의미상의 주어가 일반적일때는 생략한다.
       It is impossible to pass the examination.
   (2) 부정사의 특정한 의미의 주어는 원칙적으로 for(of) + 목적어를 씀.
     * It is impossible that he should pass the examination.
       = It is impossible for him to pass the examination.
     * I think it difficult that he should solve the problem.
       = I think it difficult for him to solve the problem.
  ◇ It is + 성질형용사 + of 목적격 + to부정사
     성질형용사 : good, good-natured, good-tempered, bad-tempered,                          fine, bad, kind, unkind, wise, clever, spupid, foolish,                         silly, polite, thoughtful,considerate, cruel, ill-natured, 
                  rude, careful, careless,generous. sensible,
   * It is very kind of you to say so.
     = You are very kind to say so.
     = How kind (it is) of you to say so.
   ◇ of + 목적격에서는 목적격을 본주어로 고칠 수가 있다.
      for + 목적격에서는 목적격을 본주어로 고칠 수가 없다.
      (단, for + 목적격일지라도 타동사나 전치사의 목적어는 본주어로
       고칠 수가 있다)
   (3) 의미상의 주어가 본주어와 같을 땐 생략한다.
     * I expect to succeed.
        = I expect that I shall succeed.
   (4) 의미상의 주어가 문장 전체의 목적어와 일치 할 땐 전치사를 생략한다.
    * I expect (for) him to succeed.
      = I expect that he will succeed.
8. 사람을 주어로 할 수 없는 형용사.
  : convienient, necessary, difficult, important, impossible,
    possible, pleasant, easy, dangerous 등의 형용사와 a pity와 같은 명
    사는 원칙적으로 사람을 주어로 할 수가 없다. 그러나 사람 주어가 부
    정사의 타동사나 전치사의 목적어에서 온 경우엔 가능하다.
  * It is easy for Tom to master English.
    = English is easy for Tom to master. (○) → 타동사의 목적어
    = Tom is easy to master English. (×) → 목적격
  * It is cruel of him to beat the dog like that.
    = He is cruel to beat the dog like that.(of + 목적격에서는 가능)
  * It is possible for me to solve the problem.
    = I am possible to solve the problem. (×)
  * It is dangerous for her to bathe in this river.
    = This river is dangerous for her to bathe in. (○) → 전치사의목적어
    = She is dangerous to bathe in this river. (×)
  * It is difficult to please him.
    = He is difficult to please.
      ◇ difficult는 사람을 주어로 할 수 없으나 him이 타동사의 목적어이므로 가능
      ◇ unable, incapable, be sorry 등은 It을 주어로 할 수 없다.
        * It is sorry for me to hear of your father's death.(×)
         = I am sorry to hear of your father's death. (○)
9. 부정사의 의미.
   :부정사는 동명사에 비해 "미래적", " 구체적", "가상적"인 성질을 갖는다.
  ①미래적 성질.
     * Mery remembers to go. (In:미래성-->갈 것)
     * Mery remembers going. (G:과거성-->간 것)
  ②구체적 성질.
     * To swim is better exercise than to row for older people.
        (수영에 대한 구체성, 운동 효과 등등...)
     * Swimming is better than exercise rowing for older people.
        (수영에 대한 일반적인 견해)
   ③가상적 성질.
     * John likes Mery to stay at home.
       (Mery가 집에 있다는 사실 여부는 표현되지 않음)
     * John likes Mery staying at home.
        (Mery가 집에 있음)
   ■ 이러한 의미적 성질을 중심으로 부정사나 동명사만을 목적어로 취
      할 수 밖에 없는 동사들이 있다.
       ◇주로 부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사
         : want, wish, hope, expect, choose, decide, determine,
           refuse, pretend, manage to, offer, agree, promise, resolve,
           desire, care to, mean to, intend to, ....
       ◇주로 동명사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사
         : admit, consider, give up, deny, finish, mind, stop, quit,
           escape, postpone, practice, enjoy, avoid, put off.........
       * He decided to leave school.
          → He decided leaving school. (×)
          → He decided on leaving school. (○)
        * He gave up drinking and smoking.
      ◇부정사와 동명사를 모두 목적어로 취하는 동사.
        ⓐ like, hate, preper, love, dread, intend,
           + 부정사 : 사실성의 언급이 없음.(I like her to sing)
             동명사 : 사실성이 표현됨. ( I like her singing )
        ⓑ forget, remember, regret, report, recall, anticipate,
           acknowlege, amphasize, announce, suspect, admit....
                + 부정사: 미래성 (I remember to post the letter),부칠 것.
                + 동명사: 과거성 (I remember posting the letter),부친 것.
        ⓒ stop + 부정사 : 부정사의 부사적 용법.(I stoped to smoke)
                + 동명사 : stop의 목적어.       (I stoped smoking)
        ⓓ try  + 부정사 : 노력하다.      (Mery tries to write a book)
                  동명사 : 시험삼아해보다 (Mery tries writing a book)
        ⓔ go on + 부정사: 쉬었다가 다시 계속하다.
                   동명사: 계속해서 --하다.
            * He went on to talk about his accident.
            * He went on talking about his accident.

10. 부정사의 부정 : 
      부정사의 부정은 부정사의 바로 앞에 not, never를 붙여 not to-,
       never to-의 형식으로 나타낸다.
    * He did not try to smile. (try를 부정)
    * He tried not to smile. (to smile을 부정)
11. 대부정사 : 부정사의 반복을 피하기 위하여 to만을 씀.
    * You may go if you want to. (go; 생략)
12. 분리 부정사 :
    부사가 부정사를 수식한다는 것을 분명히 하기 위해 to + 동사원형이          
    부사에 의해 분리되는 것.- to와 원형부정사 사이에 부사가 있는 형태
    * He entirely failed to understand it.
        (entirely가 failed를 수식, 완전부정)
        He failed to entirely understand it.
        (entirely가 understand를 수식하는 분리 부정사, 부분부정)
13. 감탄문을 만드는 부정사.
    * To think that such a little boy should have done it.
14. 관련구문
  (1) 명사적 용법의 부정사 ↔ 명사절
     < S + is said to + V ↔ It is said that S+ V >
     * Seoul is said to be a city worth visiting.
      = It is said that Seoul is a city worth visiting.
  (2) 형용사적 용법의 부정사 ↔ 형용사절
     * This is the house for her to live in.
      = This is the house in which she lives.
  (3) 부사적 용법의 부정사 ↔ 부사절
    ① 목적 : to ∼ 
             = in order to∼
             = so as to∼
             = so that ∼ may(might)
        * He stepped aside for her to enter. 
          = He stepped aside so that she might enter.
    ② 결과 : to ∼ 
             = and ; but
        * He awoke to find the sun shining.
           =  He awoke and found the sun shining.
    ③ 원인.이유 : to ∼
                  = because
        * I am glad to see you.
          = I am glad because I see you.
    ④ 정도 
           : too ∼ to  =  so that ∼ cannot
            enough ∼ to = so ∼ that
        * He is so tall that he can touch the roof.
          = He is tall enough to touch the roof.
          = He is so tall as to touch the roof.
           ★ He works hard so as to succeed in life.
         * As the book is very small, I can put it in my pocket.
          = The book is so small that I put it in my pocket.
          = The book is small enough for me to put in my pocket.
          ◇복문 ⇒ 단문
           ⓐ a/ad + enough의 형태로
           ⓑ 접속사 that 생략.
           ⓒ that 이하의 절이 본주어와 같을 때는 생략, 다를 땐 for + 목적격
           ⓓ 타동사의 목적어가 본주어와 같을 땐 생략, 다를 땐 써줌.
         * He was so tall that he couldn't stand in a bus.
            = He was too tall to stand in a bus.
    ⑤ Too의 특수 용법
         ◇ not too ∼ to  =  not so that ∼ not
          * He is not too old to do the task.
           = He is not so old that he can not do the task.
           = However old he may be, he can do the task.
           = He is not so old but he can do the task.
         ◇ too ∼ not to = so ∼ that cannot but …
          * The statesman is too great not to be respected.(by us)
          = The statesman is so great that he cannot but be respected.(by us)
          = The statesman is so great that we cannot but respect him.
            (cannot but = can의 의미)
    ⑥ 기타
     * ,too (I have much money.
             I have much money, too.= So do I )
       too = very, only too = very,
       too liable to ∼ , too ready to ∼
       (걸핏하면 ∼ 하다,  ∼하기 일쑤다)
     * I am only too good to help you.
        * He is too liable (ready, apt) to despise the poor.
15. 동사와 부정사의 특수관계
   1) 목적어로서 부정사를 취하는 동사
      : resolve, determine, decide, desire, wish, hope, expect, care to,
       manage to, mean to, intend to, pretend, refuse 등
       * I decided to go there. (O)
       * I decided going there.  (X)
   2) 목적보어로서 부정사를 취하는 동사.
      : tell ∼ to, ask ∼ to, advise ∼ to, persuade ∼ to, encourage ∼ to
        cause ∼ to, get ∼ to, compel ∼ to, lead ∼ to, force ∼ to, 
        enable ∼ to등

'영문법정리' 카테고리의 다른 글

8. 분사(Participle)   (0) 2011.01.13
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4.태  (0) 2006.03.17
3.조동사  (0) 2006.03.17